Greetings members of the Galactic Trade Commission,
There is no point is sugar coating this, so I am just going to be blunt. I am retiring from the GTC. I have been considering this for quite some time now, and especially after what has just happened, then is no more consideration. First and foremost, I am in my final year of schooling. Running a guild, no matter how quiet it has been lately, can take up a lot of your free time. Not to mention, following SW:TOR regularly, watching Youtube videos about it, posting, etc. also takes up a lot of time. That is time that I could spend better by studying for school or other activities. In addition, and this is not the main reason at all, but a number of my good friends have been getting interested in SW:TOR, and no doubt want me to play with them. Lastly, and this coincides with my previous reason, as you have all no doubt seen, SW:TOR pre-orders are now taking place. However, Australia will no be getting pre-orders, and apparently neither will we be able to play the game at launch.
Thus, I feel there is no real reason for me to be here any more. If I can't even play the game fromm launch day, there is no point in me being a leader of a guild here. I don't particularly want to be here on the forums when I'm not going to be able to experience the game at launch day, and then be far behind everyone else when BioWare and EA decide to release the game to the non-European and non-North American gaming community.
So, long story short, I will be leaving the GTC. I will remain for a few more days to ensure that everything is stable before I depart and to discuss what will happen once I am gone, but after that I am leaving, to concentrate on other things, and to occasionally check the SW:TOR website to see when Oceania will be able to enjoy the game.
I thank you all for a great two and a third years being here. Adios.
- Commander Typho Raame