1. When posting links to off-site locations, please keep it relevant to the conversation. Nothing illicit, something you know would be offensive to others and advertising for yourself or others.
2. If you are involved in a debate or discussion of a certain topic, refrain from strong vulgarity, insults, and hateful speech. You are bound to disagree with someone. Do not make a fool out of your self here.
3. Follow the thread descriptions. Do not purposely break away from the OP's (original poster) thread intention. Also, keep your posts and threads relevant to the category they are under. There are separate areas for free-for-all, role-playing and group discussions. If you find the need for another category alert a Vigo.
4. Use common sense.
5. Listen to moderators. We reserve the right to change, remove or add any rules at any time.
6. Do not double post. It only clutters the forums.
7. Do not harass other member or guests to the forums either by post or by private message... be respectful.
8. All of these rules also apply to chatbox. In addition, do not have explicitly sexual discussions or roleplays in the chatbox. Members still wishing to have such interactions may do so in a thread inside the member area of the forum, as long as the thread is clearly marked with a sexually explicit warning.
And if you want to become a member: 9 - Naming Policy. Character names in game must reflect the lore & timeline of The Old Republic. For example we will not accept names like 'Legolas_Skywalker666'. Members must use their ingame name as thier forum name; if they haven't found any yet they must have a name that will start with Capital forum name and contain no numbers (Droid characters aren't included in this rule and are in fact encouraged to use numbers). Names must also be original as if they were a real life person in the Star Wars universe, so no Geoff Vader's please! We would also prefer it if you read up on your characters species, planet etc. to help give you an idea of their background. If you need any help with this use the forums and ask someone.
Thank you! Please enjoy your stay with us!